Physiotherapy transcript packages are availble for graduates of pre-registration Physiotherapy qualifications from Queen's College Glasgow and GCU to include: BSc Physiotherapy; BSc Hons Physiotherapy; MSc Rehabilitation Science and MSc Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration).
Detailed Description
Transcript package containing full details of academic and clinical achievements and detailed syllabus. This item is most commonly requested in order to provide evidence to support applications for registration in countries out with the UK.
Where the information is available, a standard transcript package includes:- Single Page Academic Transcript; Clinical Profile (Placement dates, hours, locations, specialisms); Programme Handbook(s) with syllabus detail and module descriptors for all modules undertaken as part of the programme; Practice Education Handbook; Physiotherapy Techniques Booklet.
Where necessary we can also provide additional information and/or complete sections of an international application form as required. Once your request has been submitted, the Physiotherapy Programme Administrator will be in touch to confirm the details with you.
Please also note that if your qualification was obtained more than 10 years ago, it may not be possible for GCU to provide full and detailed syllabus or clinical information. If you are unsure about this, please contact the Physiotherapy Programme Administrator, [email protected], Tel: 0141 331 8760